About Me

Hello, Hello!! I'm Ashley. 

The first thing you should know about me is where the blog idea came from.

Ever since I was little I absolutely loved the movie The Goonies. 
It's pretty much
the greatest movie ever!!! If you haven't seen it, stop reading this & go watch it.
What I've always loved about this movie is how jam packed it is with adventure. That's
how I want my life to be!

Next, My King has given me a heart for two very specific things. 
First, the folks I surround myself with everyday. 
When I was 15 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a Special Education teacher
 and be an advocate for those that the world viewed as different. Individuals with special
 needs showed me, early on, about what true grace, love, joy, and beauty looks
 like. I couldn't and still can't get enough of that kind of life. 
I live and work at a ranch for adults with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities called

 These folks capture my heart every day and I don't think they'll ever know
how much they impact my life. 

Second, for travel and adventures. I was born and raised in Texas, so 
that is awesome enough. But I've had the privilege of serving in Burkina Faso and Uganda (you can read about that here: Uganda 2012 ), as well as traveling to London and Costa Rica, and all over the U.S.
And it won't stop there. There is still a lot of ground to cover! So stay tuned. 

"I'm drawn to open country. It's where everything becomes clear, where the world makes the most sense. When I put myself out there, I always return with something new. A friend once told me: The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning, you didn't even think to ask." ~180 South

I love tattoos, camping, star gazing, awkward moments, and cereal. I really love cereal.
I want to capture life and help people see beauty in a different way.
I'm not really talented in much of anything, but I make a mean cup of coffee
and can quote FRIENDS and that is what really matters!

Lastly, all of who I am and what I am hoping to become doesn't mean anything
unless my King receives all the glory. My Pops has never failed and I am honored
and humbled to be part of the work He is doing. 
 I want to live life expecting great things to happen everyday. I 
want to inspire & encourage people. I want people to know that they matter
and that they have something to give. 

This blog will allow me to share memories, experiences, breath-taking moments, and
 lessons that He provides. 

Thank you for following along,

1 comment :

  1. Knowing that your greatest desire is to follow where God leads, it was no surprise to me when you called to let me know that you would once again be going back to Africa! People tell me that you are "so lucky" to be able to do this, perhaps not understanding or realizing the sacrifices you will make and that it is not "luck" that leads you. I quickly tell them that God works through you & that your work is for the children.....and for His glory!
    On a bit more personal note though....I believe that the ones you serve are the ones most blessed! I love you baby girl!

    "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
