Sunday, December 21, 2014

Life in Lamego-Weeks 19&20

Happy Sunday from Lamego!!!

I have been in Africa for 20 weeks now. This is the longest I have ever been away from home folks...that's crazy. I remember when leaving my small town to go to away football games was the big adventure and now I am just bouncing around on another continent. Bonkers! Some days I feel like I've already been here 6 or more months and then some days I feel like I just arrived yesterday. Time is going quickly and there is still so much to do and to be learned. 

Now that we are back from South Africa and have gotten situated back into our lives here in Lamego, I am hoping to get back to my weekly blog posts. I will stress "hoping" because the internet doesn't ever agree with me when I want to post my photos on the blog. 

Let me catch you up real quick. I am on break from homeschooling for the month of December. This month the focus is on another son of my team leaders. Every morning he has physical therapy/school. Talk about a wonderful learning time for me this has been. I am learning so much about physical therapy. There has been a great deal of communication with my team leaders, lots of research on the internet, and trusting the Lord for wisdom on what would be some positive changes and additions for him.  It has also been a lot of fun. I get to be silly, sing a lot, do voice changes, and really just be all out ridiculous!! Thankfully, he loves it and we have a grand ole time! 

Alright so time to recap:

Week 19: Highlights

~I went to the beach!!!! I know, I know....I just came back from South Africa, which was a great resting period, but the oldest son of my team leaders is here on break. He attends school in Kenya at RVA, which is a school for missionary kids. He wanted to go to the beach while on break so we all loaded up and went to Savannah Beach, which is a little over a 2 hour drive from Lamego, for 2 nights/3 days. 

         I can't believe this was so close to me this whole time and I didn't know about it!!!

We had such a blast. Besides seeing a few people randomly, we were the only ones on the beach. We played a lot, got munched on by some mosquitos, and got sunburned. Fun fact, apparently no matter how much sunblock I put on in Africa, I'm still gonna end up looking like a lobster. 

~This situation is happening.
What started out as a pond project is now being called a pool. 
Then this guy appeared. 
The boys said it was an African Snowman. 

 ~Rain Season is upon us. It does help lower the temperature one day, but then the next day, phew, is it humid!! These curls of mine stay locked up tight in a pony tail. 

 Week #20: Highlights

~This past week I've been battling a yucky cold. It has kept me in bed a lot and as much as I love sleep, I really am ready to move on from it. 

~These guys are making a daily appearance. They are too cute for their own good. 

~I got to be a dental assistant to my team leader. Okay so I really didn't do much at all and I will spare you the details but busted up mouth + the Gospel being shared is interesting times. 

~VBS happened this week. On Thursday and Saturday, Karis spoke with some of the youth of Lamego and presented different stories from Scripture. I did some activities with the kids that matched the stories being told. 

 "Jesus is the Light" 

"The Good Shepherd" 

~this guy got his new home. Oh, if you don't know him, this is Changa. Changa is a bush baby that was found while some of the guys were out hunting. He was an orphan and so he has a new home with the Lamego Team and lives in my school room. 

 I would just like to say that the work put into making this new home for Changa was incredible.
Thank you Robert, Daniel, and Caleb. 

and lastly,

~look at what came in the mail.
Special shout out to my Momma Bear, Ollie & Coach, Corey, Brit, Cullen, Presley, and Harper. 

Merry Christmas,

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